How common is it for Nirzali worshipers to observe Solitary, and to associate Adwa with Nirzali in general? I’d thought it was something specific to Omrazir, but after reading more of the wiki and the recent announcement I’m wondering if it’s more widespread
Nirzali and Solitary
posted by Halima
Nirzali and Solitary
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March 24, 2024, 2:41 p.m.
Re: Nirzali and Solitary
2 of 2
March 25, 2024, 7:11 a.m.
Pretty much all Nirzalites in the Sirdabi Caliphate observe Solitary, and many in the rest of Idiri observe something similar if not exactly alike. Those outside the caliphate don't conflate Nirzali and Adwa (and not all do within the caliphate either), but Solitary is a time of remembering and reflecting upon Nirzali in her exile, just as for Azadi it's a time for reflecting on el-Azad's experiences. |