This is not related to healing, per se, but I believe this thread has raised some broader questions. (Apologies if this is too off topic :B)
What purposes is the mechanic of sleep avatars intended to serve?
What role does the player's choice to leave a sleep avatar (when they don't have to) play in what should/should not be possible ways to manipulate sleeping avatars?
Could leaving a sleep avatar not serve as a kind of consent to risk physical manipulation (with all the accompanying legal/investigatory angles available to seek redress for any wrongs done)?
I realize that injured persons gain a benefit from leaving a sleep avatar in the form of healing ticks and possible medicinal assistance (as in the original topic), and I'm also aware that there are situations where the player of a conscious character may decline medical care, which they cannot do when not present. So I understand why allowing people to be manipulated freely, even in purely "beneficial" ways, may lead to undesired outcomes. I also think it is unfair on its face to force people who want the healing ticks to be subjected to quack healers who may happen upon them and amputate the wrong leg, etc. So I think I more or less understand why the medical part, at least, works the way it appears to.
But I wonder if we're not giving up more than we're getting in the bargain. Or if there aren't other ways to safeguard against any real threats that might exist (and perhaps some of the threats we're safeguarding against aren't so real?). It's very hard to roll smoothly IC when the code prevents you from doing things that you would and should do. Some of these things involve medical treatment, but anything from lowering the hood of a disgused sleeper to stealing their pocket change may be unavoidably IC for one character or another. Petitioning and then waiting a day and then pretending you didn't have to wait a day, is an option, and a legitimate one, and the one we are using now, more or less. And it's fine! But I wonder if there are not other options that feel more immersive.
What are ways of manipulating a PC that you logically should be able to do to a helpless person? Which of these is possible, and which is impossible -
* with a logged in sleeper?
* with a logged out sleeper?
* with a PC who is awake and tied up?
* with an NPC who is awake and unbound?
* with an NPC who is asleep?
For those things you're not able to do (for instance, take their stuff), what behavior is this intended to prevent? Why does this seem to need an OOC solution?
I know I may sound a bit off the wall, and I would not probably raise these questions in other MUD communities where there is a sizable contigent of players whose default approach is trying to get away with as much OOCly profitable behavior as possible, in violation of all relevant policies against twinkery and metagaming. But this is not one of those games, and I wonder if it means other things are possible. What is preventing waking up without one's pants from being fun rather than an OOC problem? (Not a rhetorical question. :D)