GameHelp History
24-12-21 22: 03:02-05 [-] a towering, bearded blacksmith: Exciting!
24-12-21 22: 03:22-05 [-] a short elderly woman: real trees are very very pesky
24-12-21 22: 03:22-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: We are here to find out who goes splat this evening! :D
24-12-21 22: 03:26-05 [-] a towering, bearded blacksmith: Also, full disclosure, I have no clue how we are going to move 530,000 lbs
24-12-21 22: 03:36-05 [-] a short elderly woman: no splat
24-12-21 22: 03:37-05 [-] a short, reddish-gold-eyed young man: That's... really heavy XD
24-12-21 22: 03:43-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed person: it...lets people move them still...somehow haha
24-12-21 22: 04:02-05 [-] a short elderly woman: tie a strong rope and we all pull?
24-12-21 22: 37:20-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: Just for later debugging, that was a total roll of a 46 on the notch, if it matters
24-12-21 22: 38:21-05 [-] a towering, bearded blacksmith: I wish I knew what "teammates" can do to help, heh