GameHelp History
24-12-21 22: 38:33-05 [-] a hoary carpenter: sorry y'all, I'm so distracted
24-12-21 22: 39:00-05 [-] a towering, bearded blacksmith: No apologies needed, we're bumbling along :)
24-12-21 22: 39:01-05 [-] a hoary carpenter: need help with the situation for mine timbering?
24-12-21 22: 39:30-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: I think the mine timbering will be a later event! We're just trying to fell trees and not have Yasin get turned into a pile of goop.
24-12-21 22: 39:43-05 [-] a hoary carpenter: aha, okay >.> good luck with that
24-12-21 22: 40:02-05 [-] a towering, bearded blacksmith: ... Okay, but *I* was trying to have Yasin get turned into a pile of goop. I thought it would be funny. :)
24-12-21 22: 40:17-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: Y'all almost just got your wish >.> That was an even lower luck roll than last time
24-12-21 22: 40:27-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed person: hahaha, man the messaging for it is so violent
24-12-21 22: 40:29-05 [-] a hoary carpenter: tholbert did mill some more timbers at the lumber camp, and I can log in later and do some more -- probably should log out right now, though
24-12-21 22: 40:52-05 [-] a towering, bearded blacksmith: No stress, thank you!