GameHelp History
24-07-15 23: 17:39-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: Does the label command require the art skill to use? I'm trying to label bits of paper for easier organization.
24-07-15 23: 19:23-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: Huh. I seem to recall it should allow either art or edumucation
24-07-15 23: 20:26-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: it requires a presence level, reading over the section on the helpfile (I'm presuming character presence)
24-07-15 23: 22:05-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: OH. Character presence!! I was thinking it meant account presence. Thank you for clarifying. Although in that case, I have another question! Do we need to input a certain number of points to get character presence level to bump up? Mine has been stuck at zero for a while despite putting in a few points.
24-07-15 23: 23:29-05 [-] a towering, bearded blacksmith: I believe (off the top of my head) it's the same as account levels - 35 to level 1, 65 past that to level 2, 100 past that to level 3. Don't quote me on that though.
24-07-15 23: 23:58-05 [-] a hunched, elder woman: 35 presence will get you to the label ability!
24-07-15 23: 24:29-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: level three is 200 points (just invested to test lol)
24-07-15 23: 24:33-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: Got it! Thanks everyone :)
24-07-15 23: 24:46-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: LOL pof Ighlaf!
24-07-15 23: 25:08-05 [-] a towering, bearded blacksmith: 200 points -total-, right?