GameHelp History
24-07-15 23: 25:11-05 [-] a hunched, elder woman: Do we get anything super fun at level 3?
24-07-15 23: 25:24-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: One word of advice, be careful labeling things that you might use as an alias. And from past experience, you may regret labeling a note a character's name, like 'a note from this person'. >.>
24-07-15 23: 25:26-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: 200 total, yep.
24-07-15 23: 25:38-05 [-] a hunched, elder woman: (not that labeling isn't super fun...)
24-07-15 23: 25:45-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: Do our characters get glowy eyes at level 3
24-07-15 23: 26:47-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: lol! Alas, not glowing. (Or noticing elsewise.)
24-07-15 23: 28:38-05 [-] a towering, bearded blacksmith: There's a second +resonance bonus but that might be at level 4 or 5. The first one is level 1, I think.
24-07-15 23: 29:04-05 [-] a lean, ink-eyed man: neat!
24-07-15 23: 29:22-05 [-] a burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair: I recall this forum post about the stat mods at levels:
24-07-15 23: 31:44-05 [-] an austere Sirdabi woman with copper eyes: not seeing a resonance +1 at level 1 (just now leveled up for that fancy, fancy label skill!), but per the forum post maybe you need to be level 2 and up? Since the wording on the post is "Above level 1: Resonance + 1"