* If you leave a zone for some time, you will lose your job there.
* New configurable settings added: 'dark_shading', which will shade rooms in greyscale depending on the light in them, and 'mentalcolor' which allows you to change the color of THINK/FEEL/REMEMBER output. Check CONFIG to see how to change those configurables, if you want to.
* You can now see the Avarian date on titled logs when viewing them on the website.
* Changes to how characters are approved and modified. You can use the CHANGES command or view pending character changes on your character sheet on the website.
* You can also propose changes to your character sheet from your website profile page or from in the game with the CHANGE verb.
* You may now check OOCMAIL LATEST if logged into a character.
* You can now LEAD or LOOSE animals if you have requisite command over them.
* Lockpicking is now functional. HELP LOCKPICK for more information.
* Herbalists can now POWDER, DEHYDRATE, and EXTRACT items. Some herbs, mortars, and pestles are available in the kindly toolbox.
* The Faded Zone caravanserai has a smoking den where you can also play Hakim's Deliberations. Be warned, drug addiction can be a problem.
* Games updated slightly: they now take requirements (such as a hand free to play rock/parchment/knife) and you can view the game on the board if there is a board in use.
* INFO and GROUP commands now available.
* You can now get items out of items that are in or on other items. (Like a dress from a suitcase on a bench.)
* CHANT added alongside sing and recite.
* Balance messages changes to be more clear about what exactly is happening. You're not unpoised, you're just busy doing something.
* New General Ability: You can SHARPEN STICK to make a spear or spit.
* New Verb: ROAST. You can roast meat, whole gutted fish, and vegetables -- without any knowledge of cooking! (Warning: Do not use poisonous wood to whittle a spit and cook your food.)
* New Herbalism Abilities: MAKE CHARCOAL and BOIL. Read about these in the new HELP HERBALIST file.
* Appraising consumables will now let you know if they are caffeinated or alcoholic. Herbalists can now see if some consumable object has an effect, such as if it's poisoned.
* You can now find different types of rock with 'find rock', and can start a fire with any combination of flint and steel as well as an actual firestriker.
* There is now a FTB command. HELP FADE-TO-BLACK for more information.
* You can now replace the full text of an interaction (sit, stand, move, lean, etc) or manipulate command (touch, turn, push, pull, etc) with a custom emote by appending 'emote' and your emote to the verb you're using.
* There is a new CONTACT command that essentially works like touch, but for other characters rather than room objects. The verbs 'touch' and 'contact' are interchangeable, though.
* There is now an IDEA command.
* NPCs will no longer refer to people they don't know in elaborately unrealistic descriptive ways.
* People who have fled combat will get more explanatory error messages during the following writing break.
* There is now a crafting workshop in the Faded Zone, in a weird little cottage in the Nameless City. You can buy things from the toolbox to try out crafting skills.
* Added huntable desert animals.
* Fixed support for parenthesis emoting in more commands.
* The SEARCH command now properly works to scan the surrounding location for secrets.
* Characters can now modify personalities and swap stats a couple times right after chargen.
* Bugs and typos now automatically record the location where they were reported, and more importantly, you get XP for reporting them! This is just a bugfinding incentive for pre-alpha/alpha phase.
* New socials: SHRUG, BOO, CHEER.
* Emit now echoes the emitter's name at the end.
* New aliases for EMOTE: EM.
* New alias for GET: GRAB.
* Added new aliases for SAY: BEG, DRONE, PLEAD, VENTURE.
* New rooms built into the Faded Zone/dream world starter area, including a library where you can access random snippets of game lore.
* Multiple new aliases for SAY created.
* SMILE, GRIN, GUFFAW, and WINK socials added.
* Late spring weather probabilities completed for both Omrazir and St. Loomis areas.
* Healer spirits now wander the dream world. This means if you are injured within the pre-approval character generation area, a spirit NPC will eventually happen by and fully heal you.