

* Knowledge Seeker archetypes should no longer get odd sums of stats in character generation.
* Increasing Presence level on a character should now immediately update presence-level-gated abilities.
* You should now see if you're stealthy in the login message that shows your position.
* Monsters don't all roar and scrape at the same time now, and if there are several there, they shouldn't ALL be scraping and roaring.
* Checks for being able to reach places have been slightly reworked, meaning that you don't approach the general area when trying to take something from someone in your vicinity anymore. It's also possible to GET things from corpses.
* Bugs with place-in-prompt, vomiting, tanning-solution viewing, and tiredness have been fixed.
* PCs should be able to easily sense their own fractures by checking HEALTH.


* Effects should now be able to stack. (Example: willowbark tea and memento will bonus.)
* Bugs submitted from the website should now properly award Presence points for the playtesting report.
* Baby rabbits will no longer mislead people into thinking them cats.
* Following yourself now makes you stop following people.
* Fixed some bugs with covering and uncovering using clothes.
* Wielding shields from one's back should be fixed now.
* Armor doesn't show in SCORE anymore, and this has actually been removed as an attribute (it did not matter actually, the only thing that takes effect as armor is whatever covers a specific bodypart that gets hit in the fight). Accordingly, you can now check ARMOR to see what is covering your body parts and how much armor each part has -- as well as warmth, which may be important #everntually.


* You can now use 3 Presence points to QUERY an NPC. This puts your request into a queue for NPC interaction.
* Arena character skills should now properly work.
* Red xcards shouldn't be issued when people are trying to send messages with green now -- you don't need the parenthesis.


* You should now be able to sheath a weapon into a specific sheath, if you have multiple sheaths.
* Fixing log starting issue (again).
* It's now only possible to administer water to sleep avatars, rather than anything that might be more impactful to story.
* Weirdness with some help files redirecting to others should be cleared up now.
* Issues with moving to the general area when trying to take objects from other objects have been fixed.
* Fixed double 'your current log resumes' issue.


* Presence award issues with the new day should hopefully be fixed now.
* It should now be far rarer to kick the ball to the groin in waveball.
* Incense and candles should now properly cause a scent.
* Searching for a required object to execute an ability should now check your inventory before your location.
* Boiling tea should now properly fill the pot.
* Willow added to the plant dictionary.
* Minigames will now reset scores properly upon ending the game.
* Rock-parchment-penknife had a particular bug, but now it should work again.
* You can now CLEAN FLOOR without a traceback, and you'll prioritize cleaning your own objects rather than giving someone else's boots a shine. It shouldn't be possible anymore to clean things that are inaccessible.
* It's now more difficult to accidentally OOCwhisper to yourself.
* Fixed issue with drawing sheaths again.
* Decayed or dying objects should now be properly removed from room vicinities. Room vicinities will hopefully also automatically stop tracking 'None' objects.
* Fixed the problem in PLACES/VICINITY ROOM where it only sometimes showed people. (The problem was that it was doing a stealth check even when people weren't stealthed.) Accordingly, you should now also always fail stealth checks against your own self...
* Spectres shouldn't smell anymore.


* Fixed bug with using FLEE.
* Fixed traceback with mobs in a fight on the other side of a door.
* All melee weapon skills should now grant the 'study weapons' ability.
* You should no longer be able to watch things happening when a door closes in your way. Opening and closing the door should now properly adapt your line of sight.


* You should be able to sleep while lying down now instead of standing to sleep like a horse (or a certain imposing woman).
* No more trying to 'approach the general area' to pick up objects that were placed in your vicinity.
* Issue fixed regarding not actually moving to places, when picking up items at that place.
* Changing places in a room now clears your immediate vicinity (at least, of people who are neither following you nor being carried).
* Some odd-looking messaging tweaked around vicinities.
* You should be able to eat food that is on the floor or ground at your vicinity.
* You can no longer keep trying to sit when you're already sitting at that same place.
* Tagging things in emotes should now check first for people, then for things in your inventory, then for things in the general location.
* Bug fix regarding cohabitation.
* People who die (actually die) will no longer have their entire character key changed.
* The GO command shouldn't any longer add extra commas to the temporary travelstring when you use parenthesis.
* Clinging to life shouldn't send you the 'you are stubbornly clinging to life' message for quite so long afterwards.


* Scrape bug fixed.
* Handling -normal- things was essentially broken after the smooth-brain way I fixed carrying/riding things, so now both of those should be working properly.


* When you carry someone, they are now in your immediate vicinity -- same for riding an animal.
* Roaring monsters can no longer retain stealth.
* 'Reveal' is now an alias of 'uncover'.
* You can now do SHOUTMOTES (or audio-emotes that carry a-ways...). HELP SHOUT for more information. (RPYELL works as an alias.)
* New player entry room updated to the interior of the forecastle, and the message seen when passing through the vortex has been similarly updated to give a quick summary of the story so far.
* An issue with webclient timeout has been hopefully fixed.
* Dead people don't go AFK anymore.
* Fixing a bug with being indoors, in the AFK tick.
* Some new SECRET commands have been added.
* Added an OOC reminder echo after a few hours of straight playing to suggest a healthy break!


* It's no longer possible to see inside objects in someone else's inventory.
* Added a GameHelp history page under the 'Guide' tab on the website. You can also do HISTORY GAMEHELP in-game to see the recent channel history.
* Monsters shouldn't scrape at the doors so generically anymore.
* Bug fixed with uncovering bandaged areas.
* It shouldn't be possible to wield a sheath anymore, which should fix the problem of people wielding sheaths instead of drawing the weapons in them. This could probably use some more work eventually to allow people to actually wield their sheaths if they want to.


* Fixed bug with custom vicinity interact messaging.
* Sleep avatars are now obscured in a room as 'sleepers' if there are many of them. You can LOOK SLEEPERS to see them individually, much like LOOK CROWD.
* Bandaging and splinting has been reworked. Because of this, some of the currently-installed bandages and splints might be having some problems. If you're concerned there might a problem with a bandage or splint on your character, file a petition and we'll fix it!
* Fixed some bug-reporting bugs with the arena. Even our bugs have bugs!
* People who are bound in ropes or chains will now turn into sleep avatars when logged out.
* If you haven't logged in for over 5 hours, you'll start a new log regardless of whether it's a "new day" or not.
* Whispering has been tidied up some, and it's no longer so easy to accidentally whisper to people with pretty topaz eyes, or try to whisper to people who are outside your room but in your line of sight.


* Edited room history some more -- in very crowded areas with a lot of activity, lag was still a substantial problem.
* AFK timer wasn't working on characters who seemed to have just closed their client windows, so that's fixed.


* Treating specific wounds on body parts should work now, with or without caps lock.
* You can now use either splint or relocate (with a splint nearby) to set a broken bone.
* When you try to use SAY with no argument, it shouldn't send a message to the whole room anymore -- if you liked that feature, you can add it in with CONFIG SAY_SOCIAL.
* It is now twice as easy to stand when traumatized.
* A lag problem in storing the room history when people moved about should be fixed now, hopefully.
* Anyone should be able to use ADMINISTER WATER TO in order to get an unconscious person to drink some water. Only people with first aid can administer medicines, though.
* Hashish is now its own sort of effect, along with various stages of the process, and will not cause addictions. It will numb pain but takes some time to take effect. And when you smoke things it makes ya smelly now.
* You will now need to be holding a garment before you try to dress someone else in it.
* Hunger and thirst now show in HEALTH and LIFESTYLE displays. Wielded weapons show properly in HEALTH.
* A SPC that becomes a sleep avatar will no longer make the staffmember show on WHO, and staff names should no longer double up on WHO. It will also show if staff are AFK.
* Blood regeneration rate has been tweaked. Having low volume will make you thirsty, but if you take care of that thirst, you'll regenerate more blood.
* Rate of healing has been tweaked -- story-based injuries shouldn't fade that quickly. If this ends up feeling too slow or still too fast, we can tweak it again.


* Monsters will now despawn when the weather is NOT creeping mist.
* Monsters made of mist no longer bleed or get broken bones.
* You can now LOOK CROWD.
* You should be able to aim and shoot (or fire) a crossbow now. Crossbows do more damage than regular bows, but they also take longer to load-and-shoot. We might make this more complex in the future with pre-loaded crosbsows.
* Did some optimizing to decrease lag on wound-progressing ticks.
* Heavily decreased the impact of trauma on carrying capacity.
* Monsters no longer rattle doors, and should have sufficiently creepy voices.
* People who are asleep will no longer appear to be visibly struggling to retain consciousness.
* Bug with RETREAT and CHARGE fixed.
* It's now possible to start a fire with iron and flint in addition to the other methods.
* Mist monsters spawn automatically in CREEPING MIST weather, outdoors.


* ASSIST and RESCUE commands added, to help out in combat manuevering along with GUARD.
* A tweak made to NPC combat AI should help badly-injured animals continue to fight as long as they can.
* Vicinities should only echo everyone else in the place if the number is not very high, and only if you're moving freshly to that place.
* People who are carried away should have their vicinities updated.
* Much less blood should come out of a character when they bleed now, relative to their entire body's blood volume.
* Setting a pose or arranging something in the room now broadcasts to the room and to roleplay logs.
*Sleeping on something you're lying on no longer makes you sleep on the floor near it.
* Fixed a bug with watchers having no logic (the traceback division by zero thing people were seeing).


* It's now possible to add small notes into optional parenthesis when issuing XCARDs. [Example: xcard green (brb in five)]
* Death checks have been reworked to be less difficult.
* Trauma calculations have been reworked, and trauma given a cap. This should make it easier for people to stay conscious. However, this is a short-term fix and the combat revamp is underway.
* Relationship 'types' others have set towards you are hidden in the mutual relationship record now. '
* Fixed vicinity bug about standing in hearths (not near them, it should be safe to stand near).
* Fixed a vicinity bug with place contact.
* Fixed a bug with the admin view of player list, related to arena characters.


* When reporting bugs from an arena character, your account should get the presence instead of giving the arena character XP.
* Bug with vicinity positions fixed.
* Bug when using GameHelp fixed.
* Vicinity revamp tentatively complete... watch our for completely-fresh bugs, though.


* Added arena: from the logged-in account screen in-game, enter 'arena' to use the arena with a random arena character. (HELP ARENA for more information.) While right now you're able to load in a few things, we'll be looking to expand these options later.
* Vicinity revamp in progress.


* Sea of Mist weather zone added to the front page.
* SLIGHTHEAL (50% wound-only healing) admin command added as an alternative to FULLHEAL (100% clearing of all wounds and effects). This is to help with situations where someone gets way more injured than we actually wanted them to, due to unbalanced or buggy alpha phase issues.
* Red xcard bug fixed, although there is still the problem of potentially having an issue if someone new walked into the room right before you issued the red xcard (we'll be looking into a way to fix this).


* Vicinity revamp in progress.
* Fixed some voids in the weather transitions for the sea of mist. The mist is going to deepen now.