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Some Lore Updates

posted by Mistsparrow

Posts: 119
Some Lore Updates 1 of 2
Aug. 24, 2024, 12:01 p.m.

Since I have a few things to share I figured I would just put them all in one post rather than scattering smaller ones across the lore part of the boards.

  • The Emirate of Koumbasi, the westernmost reach of the Sirdabi Caliphate, now has its own map and and page on the wiki.
  • Marzum has a little more information added to its wiki page, because for some reason it ended up getting skimped on before. SORRY MARZUM.
  • There is now a full page for The Heavens on the wiki, including some basic information on moons, planets, stars, and constellations visible in the Avarian night sky. This and the update below have been one of my side projects for quite a while whenever I've wanted a break from working on other things, but Pof Marwa giving the night sky some love on Gamehelp a little while back spurred me to put some more time into it! More constellations and miscellaneous other stuff will doubtless be added as I have time. Eventually the actual nighttime skybox will need some major revamping to make everything show properly in-game, but hopefully this should help people orient themselves to the heavens a little better.
  • Going along with the heavens in general, the entire Avarian zodiac is now up on the wiki. Some tweaks and additional information can be expected, but nothing fundamental should change with this. Someday people's zodiac signs may have some tangible effects, but for now they're just a "cosmetic" thing. Some people inevitably may find that their zodiac sign doesn't seem to fit them terribly well, but this is of course just because the ways of the heavens are complex and abstruse to mere ordinary sublunary mortals and everything can ultimately be explained by drawing up more and more complex horoscopes. :toolbox:

Of course I'm also continuing to work on building out Omrazir, which is just a ridiculously huge map -- hundreds of rooms for just the outdoors street map of the city because Omrazir is insane and so am I. But it's progressing pretty nicely. I'm planning to post some "scenes" from different parts of the city soon, so people can get a feel for some of the sights their characters might have been familiar with as residents or visitors. So please stay tuned for that!

P.S. I will also be finally answering some lore queries from people which have been callously neglected while I've been obsessed with this other stuff. Thank you for being patient, all!

Aug. 24, 2024, 12:01 p.m.
Posts: 62
Re: Some Lore Updates 2 of 2
Aug. 24, 2024, 9:42 p.m.

I am vibrating with excitement for the heavens and the zodiac and all things related thereto, in particular :D

All of this is so so cool, though, thank you! ❤

Aug. 24, 2024, 9:42 p.m.