So! Obviously this is alpha (big hype!) so we're all busy reporting things that are broken or need tweaking or talking about ideas we have for ways to improve current systems or add in new systems. So there's a lot of talk about what's "wrong" with the game at the moment (which is great! That's what we're here for). But I thought it might be fun to have a place to gush about the things that we really like about the game at present as there's no 'squee' command (probably for the best. I'd end up flooding our poor devs with squee reports).
So here's my list! (This is absolutely an incomplete list).
- The WEATHER. It's so pretty. I love just vibing in rooms sometimes even when I'm by myself to catch all the ambience/weather echoes.
- The color scheme. It's so chill and nice.
- Pretty much any time Mistsparrow posts on the forums. I love a good lore dump. It doesn't even matter if it's something I'm supremely uninterested in, I'll read it anyway. Mistsparrow could talk about Sirdabi beetle migratory patterns and I'd read that shit.
- THIS ONE NPC IN PARTICULAR who shall go unnamed but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. They're my fave. I want to carry them around with me everywhere I go.
- The ability to attach an emote to a command either through ( ) or being like gobble fish emote goes ham on /fish. Just fun times.
- The sheer amount of detail that went into the 'throw <keyword> at <keyword>' command. I wouldn't suggest testing this on the ship unless you want to be the crazy person lobbing gruel around but it's so much fun.
- Thinks/feels/remembers. I'm sorry for spamming the devs. But I'm also not sorry. I hope you enjoy the commentary when you catch it.
- All the cultural flavor. Like I didn't touch any of my starting clothing (except the headscarf) because I loved the detail that went into it already. I didn't feel like I could improve it at all.
- The story system! Super cool. I love being able to keep track of my character's progress without having to do my usual (adding everything to a monster Google doc until I end up with some insane 100-page document that is just... a nightmare to navigate).
- The cutscene system. I wasn't sure how it'd feel at first while in use? But I officially love it now. It's great. I love that you can leave an impression for your scene partner after you get to 10 posts. And I love that it auto-logs for you.
- I love people who aren't afraid to vomit all over themselves and make a fool of their character. (You know who you are. Loved it).
- Tells. All the tells. I love sprinkling tells through (almost) every emote. I've been having too much fun with it, really. Probably. Is there such a thing?