Mistsparrow and I discussed this for quite a while and we've decided to ban a player for doing a lot of IC/OOC boundary crossing. IC story threads have already been resolved.
We're sorry to have to do this; the player in question was not necessarily bad; just not suited to Song of Avaria. IC/OOC boundary crossing is disruptive to the game as a whole. Right now, during alpha phase, it's just too much for us to deal with having to correct something every other day. We're also trying hard to form the start of the game's culture, and we don't want repetitive fourth-wall-breakage to become one of the basic building blocks here. Being able to play deep character stories in an immersive way is our goal.
Here are a few examples, so that other players can understand what problematic situations to hopefully avoid:
- roleplaying massive new things about a character's background (like that you are actually a very important political figure) without clearing it with staff,
- taking information from the wiki and spreading it IC when it was made explicit through announcements that this information wasn't available,
- blatantly quoting popular media and historic speeches in a barely-veiled IC parody (this happened even after giving a warning specifically about it),
- spreading misinformation about IC metaphysics related to alpha bugs that we had already corrected and announced publicly
We also had a few validated complaints from various players about this person, including:
- what appeared to be OOCly-motivated IC mood swings,
- If you're upset about something IRL, log out and take a few minutes, put in a petition if you need -- but don't play angry.
- If your character is angry, have thoughts, have tells, have story arcs that support this IC emotion.
- uncomfortably-predatory misogynistic IC behavior that was not written as a character flaw.
- (Note: this could've been dealt with right away, if it had been more egregious, but after a very long conversation with the player, it seemed unintended.)
- If you don't understand how to treat sensitive themes carefully, then don't tackle them.
There are also other issues that we're not going to make public because they were discussed privately with the player in question; and this should be enough to make an example of what to avoid.
Some of this was reported when we first opened, and we spent quite a while discussing many issues with the player, and they seemed to be trying to amend their behavior, at least as far as some very specific things went. But new things keep cropping up regardless, and we've spent literal hours trying to teach this player how to play a lore-heavy story-focused roleplay game, and we're not willing to continue investing any more time into them for now. So, this is intended as a temp ban, but after talking to this player for the last time, they concurred they weren't a culture fit for this game either -- so it is unlikely they will return after alpha, regardless. There are plenty of "light RP" games where this sort of behavior is considered more tolerable and even encouraged as witty and fun and genuine.
Best wishes to this player, wherever they may go.
Edit: Based on a (substantiated) tip from a community member, we're making this ban a permanent one.