All right, here we go!
A few thought etc. about character creation, first:
- Something in the header info when you're choosing backgrounds that says "Select an origin to view more information about it" or something along those lines would have been extremely helpful. I looked at the list and then spent twenty minutes sifting vainly through the wiki trying to find info on all of the options, only to discover when I just picked one at random that the info was available right on the page. xD
- Also, Ifru and Tessere have the same info description. I assume one of them is supposed to be different.
- On the stat assignment page, some sort of tooltip that gives a couple examples of what you use the stats for would have been super helpful, along with a brief description of how or whether you can change them through gameplay.
- Choosing a background-boosted skill should imo be on the same page as choosing your innate skills, so you know that you're going to get to choose both when you pick your skills.
And so far, for ingame, it says to type help for more commands but if you do that, it just tells you to ask for help on gamehelp, which is a little confusing. I finally found that there is a typo command, though, which is what I was originally coming here to suggest. xD