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A list of the crew?

posted by Zahra

Posts: 152
A list of the crew? 1 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 1:36 p.m.

So we have a list of the NPC cast for the crew, but would it be possible for us to get an updated IC list of PC crew members? I feel like this would be common knowledge, but people have been hired mid-voyage, etc., and I know there have been some misunderstandings as people probably assume it's common knowledge they're crew or would have expected it to be spread to the rest of the crew that they had been hired by a NPC but it's not/wasn't.

Feb. 4, 2024, 1:36 p.m.
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Posts: 12
Re: A list of the crew? 2 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 3:11 p.m.

I disagree. I don't think it would be common knowledge to anyone who wasn't a member of the crew. Only the notable figures such as Paldeo and Tekra, maybe. But not the others. Misunderstandings are a natural part of the RP here, and I'm happy to keep all that IC and play through it. I like it and it makes the game richer and more real.

As a passenger aboard a plane, I wouldn't know the names of the flight attendants and pilots throughout the trip and I wouldn't really care to (unless I was into that sort of thing). Most people don't give a shit and just learn as they go depending on the circumstance.

Feb. 4, 2024, 3:11 p.m.
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Posts: 152
Re: A list of the crew? 3 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 3:13 p.m.

And this is fair and fine, but the other flight attendants would probably know who they're working with, right? Which is more my point.

EDIT: Just to clarify because I realize the wording of my first post was confusing: the misunderstandings I'm referring to would be Bob saying, "This area is off-limits to everyone but crew," and then Nancy being like, "Uh... I am crew?" which feels like confusion borne from an oversight rather than an intentional RP choice.

Feb. 4, 2024, 3:13 p.m.
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Posts: 12
Re: A list of the crew? 4 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 3:16 p.m.

Yep, the players who play crew members are informed by staff as to who else are crew members depending on variable factors.

Feb. 4, 2024, 3:16 p.m.
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Posts: 12
A list of the crew? 1 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 3:25 p.m.

And this is fair and fine, but the other flight attendants would probably know who they're working with, right? Which is more my point.

EDIT: Just to clarify because I realize the wording of my first post was confusing: the misunderstandings I'm referring to would be Bob saying, "This area is off-limits to everyone but crew," and then Nancy being like, "Uh... I am crew?" which feels like confusion borne from an oversight rather than an intentional RP choice.

originally written by Zahra at 04-Feb-2024 (20:13)

Your edit takes me back to my first point.

Also, not every crew member is actively informed of EVERYTHING that happens on the ship, whether hiring or otherwise.

Feb. 4, 2024, 3:25 p.m.
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Posts: 152
Re: A list of the crew? 6 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 3:29 p.m.

Hey! I'm not trying to argue here. I know it's difficult to judge tone in text, so I was just wanting to make that disclaimer. I know of two PC members of the crew, who were hired mid-voyage, who were not OOCly informed of who their fellow crew members were, which is what led me to making this suggestion!

Back to my main point, it seems like crew members would know who their coworkers are. But it's perfectly fine to disagree with my thinking there, if we think of huge corporations IRL -- obviously you're not going to know who all your coworkers are. And obviously, misunderstandings are what make RP fun. This wasn't me trying to say people can't have misunderstandings.

Feb. 4, 2024, 3:29 p.m.
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Posts: 12
Re: A list of the crew? 7 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 3:37 p.m.

When I was informed about Jiraya's crewmates, only the older ones were mentioned. The newer hires, I had to find out their names and who they were on the ship at all. 

What makes sense to me is that someone who was hired mid-voyage would not know who their crewmates are until they bump into them naturally and they RP. 

Furthermore, I think this sort of thing should be suggested ICly, especially since it's for an IC list of stuff you want to be made by the crew/captain/what-have-you of a ship that doesn't quite have luxurious accommodations.

Feb. 4, 2024, 3:37 p.m.
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Posts: 273
Re: A list of the crew? 8 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 3:38 p.m.


Sorry to weigh in late here -- 


The Greenest Dolphin is decent-size ship for this time period, with like maybe 200 or so members of crew, and most of these people are background VNPCs. If someone was recently hired, even in the beginning of the voyage -- Fadila Alheta, ship's cook, comes to mind -- they might not know every member of the crew yet, and possibly not even be able to recognize them. A new hire might just not have spent enough time to get to know everybody yet, and in that case, we'll leave it to organic roleplay to make introductions -- and there's definitely potential for misunderstanding and deceit involved. Even a crewmember who's only been on board for a year might not have spent enough time in the ship's underbelly to know the deeper politicking going on amongst the crewmembers.  

For that reason, whenever we get a new crewmate PC, I've been sending OOCmails to existing crew as might be realistic for them to know.

It's a solid idea to have a list of crew, but I think it also takes away some agency from PCs to do that, and some things may even be kept secrets, or -- regarding new hires -- badly communicated, on an IC level, in a way where IC blame could be a fun driver of narrative.

Feb. 4, 2024, 3:38 p.m.
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Posts: 152
A list of the crew? 1 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 3:42 p.m.

When I was informed about Jiraya's crewmates, only the older ones were mentioned. The newer hires, I had to find out their names and who they were on the ship at all. 

What makes sense to me is that someone who was hired mid-voyage would not know who their crewmates are until they bump into them naturally and they RP. 

Furthermore, I think this sort of thing should be suggested ICly, especially since it's for an IC list of stuff you want to be made by the crew/captain/what-have-you of a ship that doesn't quite have luxurious accommodations.

originally written by Jiraya at 04-Feb-2024 (20:37)

I was imagining this list being posted on the IC fiction forum, alongside the list of the NPC crew members... which is why I didn't suggest it IC?

Thank you for weighing in, Pilgrim!

Feb. 4, 2024, 3:42 p.m.
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Posts: 273
Re: A list of the crew? 10 of 10
Feb. 4, 2024, 3:56 p.m.

If PC crewmembers want to put an IC fiction out there, I'd love to see it and it'll also net them some XP -- we can see a great example where the prisoner, Rakim, put an IC fiction post onto the forums about his general existence. But it's also totally okay to try to slide under the radar as far as passengers go.

Locking this thread because I'm selfish and want to have the last word. Appreciate the suggestion though, and the thought behind it regarding potentially weird situations.

IC communication is a super important thing, especially for new hires on the ship, and there could be IC consequences for anything -- from sliding under the radar, from identifying yourself,from doing anything that impacts the story. It's kind of thrilling (hopefully)!

Feb. 4, 2024, 3:56 p.m.
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