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24-09-02 09: 43:35-05 [-] an imposing, ebon-dark woman: Like, y'know. I might want to work through that kind of thing, but then again, if I based my character on a couple of core things like fighting and playing an instrument, and then was forced to lose a dominant arm thus removing both of those abilities... I mean I dunno. If you want to encourage higher turnover maybe that'd be a good edge case to enforce? Because yeah in that example I'd probably opt for death and reroll.
24-09-02 09: 44:40-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: Yeah, it just feels bad. And sure there should be IC consequences and dramatic thrills and risks in a story, but it's a game that shouldn't feel traumatizing
24-09-02 09: 46:19-05 [-] an imposing, ebon-dark woman: A certain other player hit me with an absolute gut-punch of an observation one day when we were talking about this sort of thing, and I mentioned that I tended to enter a game with a barebones sketch outline of a character, and flesh it out through gameplay. They noted that this is almost certainly because of the games we've mutually played being permadeath meat-grinders where death is most likely in the first few weeks of play, and commented how interesting it is to have a style so marked by the avoidance of grief.
24-09-02 09: 47:38-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: that's a good point... I mean, I have that style too, and part of it is also because it's difficult to really get into a character's mindset and understand them without actually playing them and being through some stuff, at least for me
24-09-02 09: 48:06-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: but maybe it's also because of those sorts of experiences, too
24-09-02 09: 48:26-05 [-] an imposing, ebon-dark woman: It absolutely is partly that, but-- the application I made here? 10,000% more filled in than basically anything I've ever done before, even if I got some things wrong (and should rewrite a bit to fix them lol)
24-09-02 09: 48:52-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: I remember my first character I made in a RPI game, fresh out of IRE games where you just respawn... and I was excited to play the character, then walked out the gate and immediately died in the first two hours of play. XD
24-09-02 09: 49:17-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: was a shock to be like "wow that's it, my character's gone"
24-09-02 09: 49:20-05 [-] an imposing, ebon-dark woman: Rofl yeeeeep >.> that sounds about right for a first one, alas :x
24-09-02 09: 49:56-05 [-] a shadowy vagrant: but yay, I'm happy you felt safer to make a fleshed out character in a soft-permadeath sort of environment