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Funny Stuff

posted by Zahra

Posts: 152
Funny Stuff 1 of 44
March 1, 2024, 11:43 p.m.

I thought we needed a place to share funny things that happen in-game -- the OOC sorts of things or little gaffs borne from alpha bugs rather than anything IC. IC funny things should definitely be saved for logs and IC fiction <3


l ajoura
You see an indecently-exposed sleek brunette whom you recognize as an indecently-exposed Noubal.
An indecently-exposed Noubal is noticeably shorter than you, and appears to be of Sirdabi heritage.  She has flinty-grey eyes, burnished bronze skin, and walnut-brown hair falling sleekly to the waist.
This middle-aged woman is lithe in build, with sleek and wavy walnut-brown hair. Her Sirdabi heritage is apparent in desert-burnished bronze skin, but her flinty grey eyes give her a subtly unsettling vibe. A pointed nose and generous mouth sit within a relatively bland-featured face with a soft chin and pearly-white teeth. Though the Sirdabi woman is neither overly intimidating in height, nor particularly petite, she carries an understated sharpness about her person.
She has no visible wounds.
She is wearing: a crimson messaline headscarf, a crimson brocade abaya, a rectilinear case emblazoned with a silver mountain, a crimson suede mizuda, and a pair of crimson suede slippers.

bug AJOURA IS INDECENTLY EXPOSED. Wee woo. Pls, Pilgrim, the men of this vessel can't handle that and we all know it.
You have earned some experience.
You have filed the bug. Thank you.
         Since we're in bug testing mode, you get some experience for that!

An indecently-exposed Noubal covers her groin with a crimson brocade abaya.

OOC: a shadowy vagrant has opened an out-of-character line of communication with you. Use OOC pilgrim <your message> to send a message, or DISCONNECT.

OOC: A shadowy vagrant whispers to you, "Lmfao."

Your out-of-character communications link with a shadowy vagrant has been disconnected.

(GameHelp): You relay, "I just choked on my tea xD."


March 1, 2024, 11:43 p.m.
Posts: 27
Re: Funny Stuff 2 of 44
March 2, 2024, 12:16 a.m.

This boat trip has fully gone off the rails.

March 2, 2024, 12:16 a.m.
Posts: 77
Re: Funny Stuff 3 of 44
March 9, 2024, 12:46 a.m.

Names omitted for anonymity.

SOMEONE tries to manifest a lil' toot from the dreamland.

SOMEONE relays, "Oh god I didn't think an emote would work."

March 9, 2024, 12:46 a.m.
Posts: 77
Re: Funny Stuff 4 of 44
March 17, 2024, 9:16 p.m.

My big strong Irzali man:

roll strength !
Out of Character: You rolled strength and the result was a 8.

March 17, 2024, 9:16 p.m.
Posts: 10
Re: Funny Stuff 5 of 44
March 18, 2024, 1:09 p.m.



March 18, 2024, 1:09 p.m.
Posts: 154
Fresh 6 of 44
March 19, 2024, 11:47 a.m.

Boiled some things for uhh science.

You take a drink from a grimy wooden mug.
It is warm and has a hint of fresh.

You take a drink from a grimy wooden mug.
The boiled flavor of fresh can be tasted in this brew.

March 19, 2024, 11:47 a.m.
Posts: 62
Re: Funny Stuff 7 of 44
March 19, 2024, 5:05 p.m.

From a while back now, but I am only just now beginning to get over my fear of posting on the forums, so here you go*:


(GameHelp): A hunched, elder woman relays, "My fat is disappearing again :(."
(GameHelp): You relay, "Teach me that trick? I've got some fat I want disappeared xD."
(GameHelp): A burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair relays, "Firo's new trick can be yours for the low low price of $39.99 a month!"

(GameHelp): A gangling, black-haired sailor relays, "Maybe you should stop starving on a lost ship, Firo."
(GameHelp): A hunched, elder woman relays, "Damn hadn't considered that lmao."

(GameHelp): You relay, "Burly, I am so sorry, but your character is now forever in my head as Billy Mays. </chatter sorry sorry>."
(GameHelp): A hunched, elder woman relays, "Guys, you think we should find a way off this ship or?..."

(GameHelp): A lofty, ebony-curled man with tawny skin relays, "Well, if not, we could enter a natty bodybuilding show once we get some tan."

(GameHelp): A lofty, ebony-curled man with tawny skin relays, "We're on the ultimate Paleo diet."

(GameHelp): A burly, sienna-hued young man with short walnut-brown hair relays, "Billy Mays Yasin over here. I can see it. The next posters you'll see about the ship will be for his special limited edition beard wax."

(GameHelp): A gangling, black-haired sailor relays, "Paleo diet? Pshhh! Try the Paldeo diet."


* I do not endorse using gamehelp for chatter, and am very naughty to have started this, but y'all made me giggle <3

March 19, 2024, 5:05 p.m.
Posts: 154
Hmmm 8 of 44
March 20, 2024, 7:51 p.m.

(GameHelp): Rahat relays, "I just typed the words 'skin me' and it told me I'm not wielding a cutter
with a properly working arm. Does that mean if I was, it would have worked?"

(GameHelp): A shadowy vagrant relays, "Uhh I am... not sure."

(GameHelp): Firouzeh relays, "IM SO TEMPTED."

(GameHelp): Rostam relays, "Let's don't find out."

(GameHelp): Captain relays, "... you are doing nothing to help your image, mahogany, I must say."

(GameHelp): Kinsa relays, "Look, we're here to test bugs."

(GameHelp): Firouzeh relays, "Firo gets a face lift?"

(GameHelp): Kinsa relays, "Needs must."

(GameHelp): Rostam relays, "Guys, if Rostam is saying it's a bad idea..."

(GameHelp): A shadowy vagrant relays, "If you test it please test it on an arena character because
it might be difficult to put your skin back on."

(GameHelp): A shadowy vagrant relays, "Also Rostam would probably want a vest made out of it."

(GameHelp): A shadowy vagrant relays, "And then you wouldn't get it back."

(GameHelp): Captain relays, "Someone please put that on the forum -wheeze-"

March 20, 2024, 7:51 p.m.
Posts: 152
Re: Funny Stuff 9 of 44
March 20, 2024, 8:01 p.m.

I'm so glad we can creep on the gamehelp channel now from the website because that first bit SENT ME. "Uhh I am... not sure."


March 20, 2024, 8:01 p.m.
Posts: 39
Re: Funny Stuff 10 of 44
June 2, 2024, 3:35 a.m.

A giant scrapper struggles to get up, but he cannot.  the general area [Sirdabi]l [You are standing while hiding.] (A rangy mongrel is here.) [Keely's Saloon, Showroom] Although known to its clientele as the Showroom, this large space centered around a sawdust-lined pit showcases the craft not of artisans but of local pugilists, duking it out with one another for  fame, fortune, and fun.  Although tables and chairs are pushed up next to the paneling around the  room's perimeter, the best view of the proceedings is to be had from the open expanse of floor  around the pit, where the most daring spectators can even lean out over the wooden rail to cheer and  boo the combatants.  A swinging door provides entry from the north, while the occasional server  slips through a long dim hall in the southeast corner of the room. Also here is a solid young man with blond hair. A giant scrapper is lain at the oak-and-iron town stocks, restrained by the oak-and-iron town stocks.  The area is damp.  Cardinal Exits: north through a swinging door  A group of brawlers roughhouse boisterously throughout the saloon.


I think we can all agree that the public humiliation has gone too far now, right?


EDIT: Well at least now he's not lonely.

[Keely's Saloon, Showroom] Although known to its clientele as the Showroom, this large space centered around a sawdust-lined pit showcases the craft not of artisans but of local pugilists, duking it out with one another for  fame, fortune, and fun.  Although tables and chairs are pushed up next to the paneling around the  room's perimeter, the best view of the proceedings is to be had from the open expanse of floor  around the pit, where the most daring spectators can even lean out over the wooden rail to cheer and  boo the combatants.  A swinging door provides entry from the north, while the occasional server  slips through a long dim hall in the southeast corner of the room. Also here is a solid young man with blond hair. A giant scrapper is lain at the oak-and-iron town stocks, restrained by the oak-and-iron town stocks. A rosy-fair-skinned hoodlum is lain at the oak- and-iron town stocks, restrained by the oak-and-iron town stocks.  The area is damp.  Cardinal Exits: north through a swinging door  A group of brawlers roughhouse boisterously throughout the saloon.

EDIT2: They fought well.

A giant scrapper struggles to get up, but he cannot. A rosy-fair-skinned hoodlum struggles to get up, but he cannot. A giant scrapper drifts back to his table to nurse a drink. A rosy-fair-skinned hoodlum quietly goes to rejoin a few comrades.

June 2, 2024, 3:35 a.m.